Councillor Robinson's Letter
Dear Friends and Neighbours,
Thank you to everyone who participated in City Planning's Community Consultation Meeting (CCM) for the 390-400 Woodsworth Road development application. For more information on this proposal, please see the Application Information Centre and
Preliminary Report.
It was great to see such an impressive turnout and spirited participation from the community. Your active engagement in this process sends a clear message to the developer that there are significant concerns with their proposal for this site.
In particular, I'd like to thank the residents of the existing townhouses at 390-400 Woodsworth Road for their thoughtful and articulate comments. Purpose-built, family-sized rental communities are exceedingly rare in Toronto and I am strongly opposed to the displacement of 48 households to facilitate new condo buildings.
I share your concerns with this application including, but not limited to:
• The demolition of 48 existing, three-bedroom rental units;
• The exacerbation of existing traffic issues in the area;
• The height, built form, and massing of the proposed development
• The proposed removal of 147 trees on site;·
• The impacts of construction on immediate neighbours, particularly those living in the retained townhouses to the west of the site;
• The potential for privacy and overlook issues on neighbouring properties.
If you haven't already, I would encourage you to share your feedback on this application directly with the Senior Planner with carriage of this file, Derrick Wong. You can reach him by email at, or by phone at 416-392-0776. Please copy on any correspondence related to this application.
Thank you again for your continued engagement. Please do not hesitate to contact my office if you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns.
All the best,
Jaye Robinson
City Councillor | Ward 15 - Don Valley West
Chair, Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
Toronto City Hall | 100 Queen Street, A12 | Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
416-395-6408 | |
Facebook: | Twitter: @jayerobinson