Our Mission

Newly Formed YMNA


The York Mills Neighbours Association (YMNA) was born in October 2019 by merging two neighbouring community associations: the York Mills Gardens Community Association (YMGCA) and the York Mills Leslie Residents Association (YMLRA). These two groups decided to join forces to better serve the residents of the York-Mills, Bayview and Leslie area. (You can see the new YMNA map here.) As the newly unified York Mills Neighbours Association, we are focused on improving the lives of our residents in three main ways:

Keeping A Stronger & Safer Community –  This is our most important initiative. We work closely with local Police Divisions 32 and 33 to maintain the safest possible environments for our residents and their families. We also host several events throughout the year to help bring people from various neighbourhoods together, to increase the strength and unity of our community.

Maintaining Neighbourhood Function & Property Value – We strive to ensure that all new construction projects in the YMNA meet specific criteria that maintain or increase the safety, functionality and real estate value of our communities and their residents. We lobby the City of Toronto when necessary to ensure that new development projects do not worsen our neighbourhoods in any way. Learn more.

Providing Community Resources – Browse our community directory to find up to date information about the essentials for your day to day living, including commerce and local businesses, health services, parks & recreation, religious centres, schools & education, as well as extended and emergency community support. We also place an emphasis on encouraging healthy and natural living.

Official Objectives


The objectives of the Association shall be to address matters related to the areas covered in the YMNA geographical boundaries, including:

  • (a) To promote and advance matters of interest to residents and municipal taxpayers of the Association;
  • (b) To protect the interests of residents and municipal taxpayers through joint action of members of the Association;
  • (c) To gather information concerning development proposals and proposed changes to the official plan and zoning by-laws affecting the Association and to take necessary action as determined by the Association;
  • (d) To research and review problems connected with the ownership, development, management, financing and promotion of real property, and
  • (e) Such other complementary purposes that are consistent with these objects.